CBD Topical Cream

cbd topicalApplying a CBD topical to the skin can alleviate skin problems, as well as pain and inflammation in the area. While a lot more research needs to be done in the area, a number of studies have shown promising results. According to a 2017 study, topical CBD treatment reduced acute joint inflammation in rats.

How do CBD topicals work

One of CBD’s numerous benefits is alleviating both skin conditions and muscle soreness. This is because CBD penetrates the dermal and subdermal skin layers, reaching further than just the surface of the skin. So how do CBD topicals actually work?

CBD works by activating the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is responsible for the sensations of pleasure and pain. It does this by binding to cell receptors in muscle tissue, skin and nerves. This, in turn, can alleviate both pain and inflammation.

What are the benefits of CBD topicals

“There is research to support that phytocannabinoids, like CBD, interact with receptors and other enzymatic factors within our skin that modulate pain and inflammation,” said Emma Chasen, the co-founder of Eminent Consulting, a cannabis consultancy firm. “Because the skin is actually quite thick, when you apply CBD cream, the CBD soaks into the skin but does not make it to the bloodstream. It interacts with CB1 receptors — if THC is also present — and other receptor families such as the TRPV receptors and factors such as PPAR-gamma and COX-½ and TNF-alpha. With these interactions, CBD can modulate the pain and inflammatory response.”